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In this online Zoom concert, Dreambox Collective teamed up with Amy McCarthy, guest host, speaker, and artist, and Dr. Eloise Brook to present a roadmap for change in elevating our understanding of LGBTQIA+ communities. In this concert, we presented varied perspectives on gender, pronouns, and sexuality through feature interviews and musical pieces, influenced by some of the artists’ lived experience. We invited audiences to join us in our shared our imagination of a more joyful, safe, and possible future where a full spectrum of gender identities could be openly expressed, welcome, and celebrated.
This concert also featured a 20 minute Q&A session after the concert for further exploration of concepts with the group. This was an opportunity for attendees to join a moderated discussion and dissemination of key issues and needs surrounding LGBTQIA+ people.
Featuring Liz Cheung, Alexis Weaver, Katarina Grobler, Amos J Ling, guest artist and speakers Amy McCarthy and Dr. Eloise Brook.
Dreambox artists in this project
Guest artist/presenter: Amy McCarthy

Amy McCarthy (she/her) is a professional trombonist, having performed with the Korea Philharmonic on their Australian tour with Jens Lindemann, as well as the Sichuan Symphony orchestra and many other professional ensembles both locally and across Europe and Asia. She is currently a trombonist with the Australian Army Band in Sydney as well as solo trombone and music director of Kuban Firez and Kuban Katz in Sydney. On top of her work as a trombonist, Amy works extensively as a human rights researcher and LGBTQ+ advocate. In 2019, she presented on various elements of LGBTQ+ rights as an independent expert at the United Nations conference “Privacy: A Gender Perspective”. Her research was then used as part of a speech by the UN to the Human Rights Council in Geneva the following year. She has also given talks to many universities and businesses and has been appointed as a guest lecturer at the University of Sydney.
Guest speaker: Dr Eloise Brook, the Gender Centre

Eloise Brook is a writer, advocate and academic. She is the Health and Communications Manager for the NSW Gender Centre and public speaker. She has worked as a researcher and lecturer into public health policy and political science at Sydney University and Western Sydney University. Eloise has published on queer and TGD families in television, researched on public health and public policy around TGD people. She is currently the editor of Australia's most well known transgender and Gender Diverse Magazine: POLARE.